Look Up password

Look Up password

To look up your password to any service do this: 

1. Log into the billing portal:  https://billing.drivemob.org/clientarea.php  If you don't know your password, click forgot password and check your email to reset your password.
If You dont recieve and Email-- Check your spam. If you still don't get an email. You are using the wrong Email for your account. Try a different one
Then Log in.
You will come to a page that lists your Active Products. Then scroll down the page.
2.  Click on your Product under Product and services.
3. Click on the Green "IPTV Services Details" button
4. There you will see your username. Click "show" to see your password
Here is a video on how to use the Billing Portal: Billing Portal (zohodesk.com)

If you are Locked out of the Softbox Go-- softboxgod account. Hold Down the small button on the Softbox Go below the sticker until the box factory resets.
Then do this to set it back up: https://vimeo.com/1001688789

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